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More Places to Visit in Virtual Kemet

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Wadjet, the cobra of Lower Egypt
The 21st Nome, home of Hetep Ramesses
Wadjet, the cobra of Lower Egypt
The 22nd Nome, home of Xena Sithathor.
The Pyramid of Lake Moeris
The Faiyum, home of Ahktenar Mutemwiya.
Nekhbet, the vulture of Upper Egypt
The 19th Nome, home of Nepheriti Hatshepsut.
Nekhbet, the vulture of Upper Egypt
The 18th Nome, currently unoccupied.
Nekhbet, the vulture of Upper Egypt
The 17th Nome, home of Horemged Thutmose. (Currently under construction.)
Nekhbet, the vulture of Upper Egypt
The 16th Nome, home of AkenAnubis Thutmose.
Nekhbet, the vulture of Upper Egypt
The 15th Nome, home of Nebmaatre Thutmose.

But my favorite place in Virtual Egypt is Yuya Amenhotep's vacation spot, the Lost Island of the Cursed Donkey Shed.

The Cursed Donkey Shed

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Scarab has become one of the most popular places on the Internet, with more than 750 forums open for questions and discussions. Currently I'm an assistant host for the Greek bulletin board at Ancient/Classical History. I look forward to seeing you there!

Scarab You can ask me a history question at

ScarabExploring Ancient World Cultures is a good place for beginners to start.

ScarabAkhet Egyptology, from Scotland, has long been one of the best Egyptian websites around.

Scarab Before January 2000 this website hosted the only online copy of the Ipuwer Papyrus. Now the Alexandria Library apparently has it too.

ScarabThe Ancient Egypt Site is a fine page for introducing this fascinating culture.

ScarabAncient Egyptian Virtual Temple is the home page of an online friend, Sekhmet Meritamen, and what a home page it is! As the name suggests, the main feature is a 3-D tour of an Egyptian temple.

ScarabThe Ancient World Web Meta Index. A very thorough text-only list.

ScarabArcheology is an index of archaeological webpages, grouped by subject.

ScarabArchaic Egypt explains how ancient Egypt got started. From another online friend, who styles herself Merneith Hatshepsut. Recently she has also written a page entitled Chaos in Kemet--the First Intermediate Period.

Scarab An ancient Egyptian city has been excavated in California! No, I haven't popped my cork; after he filmed "The Ten Commandments," Cecil B. DeMille buried the entire set, as a prank to fool future archaeologists. Read about this "excavation" at DeMille's Lost City.

ScarabDjoser Complex features a clickable map of the Step Pyramid.

Scarab Has the mummy of Queen Hatshepsut been found? I think so. The discoverer is more cautious, though; go here to read about Donald Ryan's excavation of KV60.

ScarabEarthlore Explorations is a special site. To start with, it has the most gorgeous graphics I have ever seen on the Web. The focus here is on History's mystical aspects. There are separate pages on Gothic cathedrals, Irish culture, mythology, sacred animals, historical mysteries (i.e, Akhenaten, Stonehenge), and ancient arts; more is being added constantly.

ScarabThe Egyptian Galleries. Humorous paintings on modern life, seen through ancient Egyptian eyes. One of my favorites.

ScarabEgypt Revealed is an online magazine about Egyptology. takes you to Greg Reeder's Egypt Page (an Internet classic), and his new Extreme Egypt page.

ScarabA lot of people think Guardian's Egypt is the best Egyptian website of all. Therefore my index would not be complete without it. 'Nuff said; take a look and see if you agree.

ScarabThe outside of PaTeri's shrine came from Hathor's Title Bar
Hathor's Egyptian Animations.

ScarabYou can read a good overview of Egyptian history at History of Egypt. The text is compiled from several sources, the main one being Sir Alan Gardiner's Egypt of the Pharoahs. This is part of the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism's website; by all means check out the rest of it.

ScarabThe House of Ptolemy covers post-pharaonic Egypt, from the time of Alexander the Great to the present. We needed this: a lot of other websites get so caught up with New kingdom personalities and the pyramids that they overlook the end of ancient Egypt completely.

ScarabIndex of Resources for Historians. Claims to have 2,500 links.

ScarabIsis From the Sea looks at the recent discovery of three submerged cities off Alexandria's shore. If you like this one, check out the Discovery Channel's page on the underwater excavation of Cleopatra's palace.

Scarab I have long felt that the Biblical Joseph lived in the XII dynasty, not the Second Intermediate Period as so many books suggest. The Joseph page at puts forth the evidence for a Middle Kingdom date.

ScarabMarianne Luban's Homepage has some imaginative portraits of how the New Kingdom pharaohs looked in life, based on their physical remains.

ScarabMark Millmore's Ancient Egypt contains all kinds of Egyptian goodies: pictures of pyramids and temples, screen savers, stories of famous pharaohs, and lessons in hieroglyphics.

ScarabThe animated butterfly on the shrine page comes from McMurry University.

ScarabThe only television program I watched regularly in 1998 was the cartoon "Mummies Alive!" Sure, it's hokey and silly and makes a few historical errors (though there WAS a pharaoh named Amenhotep around 1525 B.C.), but like junk food, people get in the mood for it from time to time. Like all other current TV shows, fans have created webpages about it. The best one for this show is Brenna and Brittany's "Mummies Alive!" Page. Who knows, maybe you'll learn something anyway.

ScarabNOVA Online's Mysteries of the Nile is full of 360 degree pictures of ancient Egyptian monuments. You'll need to run QuickTime 3.0+ to see these properly. is the official homepage of David Rohl, the controversial archaeologist who offers a revised Egyptian chronology. His books are great stuff--I have the first one.

ScarabOxyrhynchus: A City and its Texts features a famous papyrus collection.

ScarabRigby's World of Egypt. A great amateur Egyptian page, with lots of photos I haven't seen anywhere else.

Scarab How about a view of the Pyramids and the Sphinx from space? Here is a great satellite photo of Giza. Caution: This picture is more than 3 megs in size; on my dial-in connection, it took 24 minutes to load.

ScarabThe Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Also includes lists of modern and natural wonders.

Scarab Here is a page about Siptah, a little-known pharaoh from the late 19th dynasty.

ScarabSplendours of Ancient Egypt, a major collection of artifacts I got to see when it toured the US in 1996. From the Hildesheim Museum in Germany. How nice of them to leave the website up.

ScarabThe Theban Royal Mummy Project is the best website I've seen on mummies so far. If G. Elliot Smith was still around today, I believe his website would look exactly like this.

ScarabTortoiseShell Cottage is a personal page dedicated to collecting as much human knowledge as possible, written by LauraL Hatshepsut.

ScarabTrue Origins: Egypt. Now this is what I call a well-done multimedia website!

ScarabTutankhamun, Anatomy of an Excavation contains a database of records pertaining to Howard Carter's most famous discovery.

ScarabTulane University's pictures of Egyptian art and architecture.

ScarabThe Upuaut Project reports on current investigations of the Great Pyramid of Khufu.

ScarabValley of the Kings Tour.

ScarabVirtually Unwrapped is an article that shows how to give a CAT-scan to a mummy. I'm going to keep an eye on this project; some folks think the subject used here is Ramses I.

ScarabThe WWW Virtual Library is one of my favorite reference tools. Here is a link to the Middle Eastern Studies section.

ScarabWaseda University (in Japan) is involved in a number of excavations. "And there arose a new king in Egypt who knew not Yoshimura." (LOL)

Vilani Crescent The Xenophile Historian, my first (and still my best) effort at webpage design. If it is slow to load, go to the mirror site here.

ScarabThe Yuya and Thuyu Museum takes a detailed look at KV46, the tomb of Tutankhamen's great-grandparents. From the delightfully eccentric Yuya Amenhotep.